Colorado State Patrol offers safety tips for sightseeing trips in Colorado | News

Road trip season remains in full swing and officials from the Colorado State Patrol have recently shared a few safety tips for Colorado sightseers traveling the state this year.

It is important to always stay alert and focused while driving to protect yourself and others, despite beautiful Colorado views.

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“Many mountain roads are only a single lane in each direction with steep grades and blind curves. Simply put, a partial lane obstruction is a major hazard,” cautions Major Rob Marone, District 5 Commander said in the release.

“If you were distracted enough to pull over on a road with limited or no shoulder, chances are the person behind you or coming toward you could be equally distracted,” he said.

Instead, CSP recommends that drivers always wait to pull over at scenic overlooks and rest stops to take in the views.

CSP also wants to remind drivers to keep an eye out for wildlife on the roads, especially at dusk and dawn. According to the release, there have been 32 injury and/or fatal animal vs. vehicle collisions in Colorado so far this year.

Be prepared to make a tough decision when encountering animals. If you have time and space, you can sound your horn and slow down in a straight line, coming to a stop. If you have very little time and distance and no one is behind you, you can brake hard in a straight line. However, if there is little time and traffic behind you, the right choice is to drive through, keeping in the lane, but with a slight angle towards the butt of the animal ONLY if by the white side lane line. Never swerve or jerk the wheel,” the release said.

CSP also wants to remind drivers to mind the speed limit, and to use their high beams when they are not around other motorists.

“Increase your chances of seeing wildlife crossing up ahead or on the side of the road by staying alert. You can give yourself the time to adjust your speed or stop if no one is behind you,” the release said.

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